Dear Neighbours,

Spring is in the air and warmer weather is upon us. Every spring neighbours across Ward 3 roll up their sleeves and care for our communities by participating in clean ups. I encourage readers to join me in the clean up this year.

Team Up to Clean Up
The City is relaunching the Team Up to Clean Up program. Residents organizing neighbourhood cleanups can register their event and receive free supplies. For more info, please contact Clean and Green coordinator or call 905-546-2424 Ext.5089.

Phase 2 Victoria Ave Cycle Track Community Consultation Meeting – April 19th 6:30-8PM

Please join us virtually to provide input on design and ask questions on phase 2 of the Victoria Avenue Cycle Track between Cannon and Stinson. For more information or to register please call or email our office.

Pick up a Presto Card for Kids Ride Free on HSR

Parents and guardians can register for a free PRESTO card for children ages 6-12 at any Hamilton Public Library branch. This card allows kids to take the HSR free until April 30, 2023. (One per child, while supplies last.) Visit for full details or call (905) 546-3200.

2022 City Budget

The City’s budget cycle is now complete. While staying within a 2.8% increase, this budget maintains city service levels and helps address outstanding needs. The budget includes eliminating area rating on a number of services. Area rated services are a holdover from amalgamation and have resulted in residents in the lower city paying a disproportionate amount of property tax, in fact we pay 0.9% more each year since. This is an important step toward tax equity, however until we eliminate area rating of transit, we will continue to have an unfair tax policy.

The Ward 3 Office remains proud and committed to serving all #OurWard3 communities. Stay updated with our bi-weekly e-newsletter by signing up at and reach us by email at or call (905) 546-2702.

Yours in Community,

Councillor Nrinder Nann