I am a strong supporter of our neighbourhoods and believe that there are many fabulous things initiatives happening that make our community better. Some of them are obviously positive like our park improvements and new housing. And some of them may seem not to be.
As a neighbourhood paper it is our part of our role to print opinion pieces on issues affecting our community. It is inevitable that there will be differing views – at times very strong ones- on some issues. We will share those opinions as long as they do not descend into personal attacks. We will try to include contact information o that you can offer your opinions or ask your questions directly. Before you judge, do your research and ask your questions.
One such issue may be the opposition to a zoning variance recently denied to a Barton Street location. On one hand, we need housing, we need fewer vacant storefronts and we need revitalization in our neighbourhoods. On the other hand, we need reasonable and adequate housing options and more responsible property managers.
Based on the support of representatives from the business sector, the heritage advocates, recommended and approved regulations and the community, the request to rezone commercial storefronts to dwelling units was denied.
What do we need now? We need City Support to enforce the law, we need more property managers and builders to provide affordable housing in a timely manner and we need community voices to make that happen. Make your voice heard and build the neighbourhood and the community you want to raise your family in, work in and retire in.