Dear Neighbours,

With back to school season upon us, I wanted to share a few updates I have been proud to work on that centre our children.

Powell Park Refresh Thanks to so many neighbours who have partnered with my office and the City to help refresh Powell Park as a place of belonging. Over the summer, three murals were added and the playground structure replaced to bring back more fun. Pop by for a game of basketball or to connect with neighbours this fall.

Wentworth Street at Cathy Wever Elementary School In August, Council approved my motion to have Wentworth reduced to 30km/hr in alignment with all other School Zones, even though it is classified as an arterial road. Staff were also directed to conduct a further safety audit to identify any other enhancements that can be made to ensure the highest level of safety for students and their families enroute to Cathy Wever.

Phase 1 – Implementing Ward 3 Complete Streets Recommendations The first round of roadway safety enhancements reported in the Ward 3 Complete Streets Report will be implemented this fall, with a focus on speed humps. The report details 128+ safety recommendations based on a thorough technical review including resident input. There are many more improvements to come in the Spring, Summer and Fall of 2023.

Automated Speed Enforcement Enforcing speed limits is an essential part of safer streets. Since early July, you will have noticed several changes to Main and King streets, including: no right turn on red, painting crosswalk ladders, and lane reductions. Moving to four lanes instead of five enables the City to use the Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) technology to hold speeding motorists accountable. ASE was also installed on Victoria Ave this summer.

For regular updates from the Ward 3 Office sign up for our bi-weekly e-newsletter at We remain proud and committed to serving all our communities. Reach us by email at or call (905) 546-2702.

Yours in Community,
Councillor Nrinder Nann