Hello, I’m Kevin McKnight, program coordinator for your Hamilton Crime Stoppers, hoping you’ve been having a safe and enjoyable summer.
Human Trafficking – Sex or Labour trafficking – Organized crime, and individuals reaping large profits while robbing victims of their freedom, dignity and human potential through sexual exploitation or forced labour and it IS happening here in Canada! Traffickers control victims by taking away identity documents, using threats, intimidation and isolation. Victims suffer physical or emotional abuse, often living and working in horrific conditions and may face fatal consequences if they attempt to escape.
The United Nations (UN) has estimated this illegal activity generates approximately $32 billion (US) annually for its perpetrators.
The most at risk;
• Women and girls
• New immigrants / Migrant workers
• Children in the child welfare system
• Persons with disabilities
• Those struggling socially and/or financially.
Community, along with media and law enforcement, tri-partnerships that can help “Stop the Crime of Human Trafficking”. This tri partnership couldn’t be more important as we continue moving into 2022. Together, we can bring more awareness and be part of helping “Stop the Crime of Human Trafficking!”
HAMILTON, your VOICE fights crime. So, take part in having criminals answer for their actions, call Crime Stoppers with your tips at 1 800 222 TIPS or use the web to submit a tip via the web and TOGETHER let’s continue making our community STRONGER and SAFER!