GALA is moving along and building our numbers and our community! At our last monthly meeting we discussed some concerns that we want to address.

  • Powell Park is in need of some continuous TLC to eliminate the debris and illegal dumping. Some suggested a Powell Park Patrol that will take turns doing a daily cleanup. We all noticed the difference when John E was tidying up the park daily. Pick a day and take a turn.
  • There are some safety concerns that need to be corrected. If you notice anything, bring it to our attention and the Adopt-a-Park team will work on getting them done.
  • Gardens and gardens and gardens! GALA has created 15 Pollinator Gardens between Birch Avenue and Wentworth Street. We’d love to build a Garden Club to rotate around these gardens and weed and plant. If we all take turns, it can be done!
  • Our Easter Event was a HUGE success and if you have an idea for more of the same join our Event Planning Team. Bring your ideas and your time to find more ways to entertain our youth and bring our neighbours together.

GALA will hold monthly meetings on the first Saturday of the month from 10:00am to noon at Powell Park Clubhouse. If you have a community focused event that you’d like to hold, we will work with you to get permissions and insurance to use the Clubhouse.

There’s a lot of things we can change or take care of that a little bit of time and elbow grease from each of us can accomplish.

We want to help with your ideas and projects so let us know. If you want to meet up with old friends or make new ones, this is the place to do it. We’re here to help you! Email