By Nathaniel Finestone

This Month’s Review:

One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston

Full disclosure: I did not finish this book. I got about halfway through and decided I didn’t want to have to finish it.

At over 400 pages One Last Stop takes its sweet time elaborating on every little thing and so by the time I got halfway I felt bored. Bored by the characters and the story whose ending I saw coming from a mile away (I went and looked I up). In a way the slowness is kind of necessary based on how the characters know each other, but honestly I felt the introductions just gunked up the story. The author could have made much more efficient use of her writing skills by starting the story a little later; after our lead August had already been living in New York for a while. Because this author does have talent, the characters are vivid and three dimensional and August in particular comes with so much authenticity I thought she could be based on a real person. For all I know she is.

Regardless this book did not grab me. I’ll fully admit that I’m likely not the target demographic for this type of literature, but then again I don’t like to limit myself so I’m hoping the next LGBTQ+ romance I read hooks me more than this one did.