Helping Hands Street Mission will be hosting another Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser on February 24th! Helping Hands is a non-profit organization that has been local to the GALA neighbourhood for 20 years at 349 Barton Street East. Coldest Night of the Year is a is a winterrific family-friendly walk, in support of local charities all over Canada that serve people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. You can use this opportunity to team up, fundraise, walk, and take a moment to look closer… because it’s cold out there.

Last year, Helping Hands had over 300 people walk with us for Coldest Night of the Year and ended up raising over $75,000! This year, We’re hoping to get 300 people again to join us for Coldest Night of the Year where we will start the night at the Sherman Playhouse Cinema. We will be premiering part 2 of our documentary series about the social service providers on Barton street and how both they and our friends are facing complexities within the housing crisis in Hamilton. We’ll then walk down Barton Street together in solidarity with our neighbours that are facing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. We’ll also be stopping in at different service providers during our walk including Baby Depot, the Barton Library, 541 Eatery & Exchange, The Bridge, and St. Matthew’s House!

At Helping Hands, staff and volunteers are committed to providing friendship-based support to folks facing financial, social, and spiritual poverty through our free clothing store and café, and social programs throughout the week including men and women’s social groups, Board Game Café on Friday Nights, Introduction to Worship, and Project Hope. When you fundraise for Helping Hands, you are contributing to friendship and support for our vulnerable neighbours. Sign up today!