We hope you are seeing a positive move and some improvements on Barton Street. It’d been baby steps but the Streetscape and Beautification Committee is moving forward steadily.
You will have noticed the additional planters located in strategic points of interest and painted the BIA Blue. The native plants may take some time but there will be blooms to beautify and help our environment. Green Venture is undertaking Sunday Stewardship Strolls to keep Barton Street blooming with beautiful native gardens. Join them on regular Sunday Stewardship Stroll from 10-11:30AM! These strolls are essential for our urban garden sites and 20+ planter boxes, which rely on our help to stay clean, weed-free, and maintained during these hot summer months. We hope to see you at one soon!
The new patios have brought some vitality to our furthest border at Baton and Sherman and you can relax, enjoy a burger at Hottie Biscotti, chat with the BIA or relax while waiting for your haircut at Hendry’s.
Just down the street, the BIA Farmer’s Market had it’s opening on July 21st in the parking lot closest to Powell Park welcoming over 300 guests throughout the day. With all that activity at Barton and Birch, we decided to clean up and rejuvenate the parking lot on the corner. Our team cut the weeds, cleaned up the garbage and we are busy putting a coat of paint on the rusty city barriers.
These may seem like small, random steps but they make a difference. Barton Street is scheduled for a complete makeover but not for several years. In the meantime, it’s our home and our duty to show the City that we are working toward a revitalized Barton Street. If you’d like to help with an idea or a bit of elbow grease, please email beautifybarton@gmail.com